This is a non-conformance of which there was no code evidence collected for this link, but calls were detected between the two services at runtime.
Communication flow has been detected between the two services but the responsible line of code is not detected in the source code. It could be that the call is implicitly triggered by a third-party service that is used in the implementation (e.g. via an annotation that is used by a framework or that code is injected during run-time).
The communication flow detected between the two services could be caused by an endpoint that is exposed unintentionally by the developer. It could be the case that code has been refactored and the endpoint was not removed during refactoring, or that the endpoint was used for testing purposes and was not removed afterwards.
The line of code that is responsible for triggering the flow of communication between the two services is not located in the default source-code folder of the project. It could be the case that the line of code was unintentionaly introduced in a different folder (e.g. resources folder).